Technical Issue

Technical Issue

  1. Active Listening:

    • Begin by actively listening to the client's concerns regarding the recurring technical issue they are facing with the machine. Let them explain the problem and its impact on their business operations.
  2. Assure Resolution:

    • Assure the client that the technical issue will be resolved promptly and professionally to minimize any disruption to their business. Express empathy for the inconvenience they've experienced.
  3. Determine Frequency:

    • Ask the client about the frequency of the issue. Specifically, inquire if they have encountered the same problem less than two times or more than two times.
  4. Less Than Two Times:

    • If the client has experienced the same issue less than two times, explain that a task will be raised to the technical team via BOB-CRM to address the problem. Mention that regular follow-up will be conducted to ensure a resolution within 2-5 working days.
  5. More Than Two Times:

    • If the client has encountered the same issue more than two times, propose a replacement for the problematic part or machine.
    • Create a task for the technical team via BOB-CRM, clearly specifying the need for a replacement part or machine in the task description.
    • Inform the client that the replacement process may take up to 7 working days to complete.
  6. Follow-Up:

    • Initiate regular follow-up with the client to provide updates on the progress of resolving the technical issue or the replacement process.
    • Ensure that the client is informed about any actions taken and any expected timelines.
  7. Confirm Resolution:

    • Once the technical issue is resolved or the replacement is completed, confirm with the client that the problem has been addressed to their satisfaction.
    • Ask if there are any remaining concerns or if they require further assistance.
  8. Offer Ongoing Support:

    • Extend your willingness to provide continued support and assistance to the client if they encounter any future technical issues.

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