Mobile App cancellation

Mobile App cancellation

Handling mobile app cancellation requests involves a structured approach to ensure that clients' concerns are addressed and potential cancellations are mitigated. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to handle mobile app cancellations effectively:

  1. Client Inquiry:

    • When a client requests the cancellation of their mobile app, start by actively listening to their concerns and reasons for cancellation. Let them explain their situation and any issues they've encountered.
  2. Account Analysis and Revenue Calculation:

    • Conduct an account analysis to assess the client's mobile app orders and calculate the revenue generated through the app. Determine if the client has been benefiting from using the app.
  3. Client Education and Retention:

    • If the analysis reveals that the client is gaining orders and revenue from the app, engage in a conversation with the client to educate and convince them not to cancel the app.
    • Highlight the value and benefits of using the app, such as increased sales and customer reach.
    • Offer solutions to any specific issues or concerns the client has experienced.
  4. Offer of Incentives:

    • To incentivize the client to continue using the mobile app, offer a promotion such as three months of free rent for the app.
    • Explain the terms and conditions of the offer and how it can benefit the client.
  5. Disputed Charges and Call Listening Request:

    • If the client claims that they did not authorize a sale or were not informed about setup fees, initiate a call listening request to the quality team.
    • The quality team will assess the recorded call(s) to determine if the client is entitled to a refund or resolution regarding the disputed charges.
  6. Resolution and Follow-Up:

    • Based on the quality team's assessment and findings, take appropriate actions to resolve any disputed charges or issues.
    • Ensure that the client is informed of the resolution and that they are satisfied with the outcome.
    • Follow up with the client to confirm their satisfaction and address any remaining concerns.
  7. Documentation:

    • Document all interactions, analysis results, and resolutions in the client's account records for future reference.
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