Account Analysis

Account Analysis

Here are some points to focus on to do a thorough account analysis:

  1. Client Orders:

    • Review the client's order history, both online and offline.
    • Determine the frequency, volume, and types of orders.
    • Identify any patterns or trends in their ordering behavior.
  2. Mandate:

    • Verify the status of the client's payment mandate.
    • Check if it has been recently updated or canceled.
    • Ensure that the mandate aligns with the client's current payment preferences.
  3. OSB (Outstanding Balances):

    • Assess the client's outstanding balances.
    • Determine whether they have a positive or negative OSB.
    • Ensure that any outstanding dues are properly documented and addressed.
  4. Overview:

    • Create a concise overview of the client's account, summarizing key details such as order history, mandate status, and OSB.
  5. Rentals and Special Offers:

    • Check if the client has utilized any rental packages or special offers.
    • Ensure that these are accurately reflected in the account.
  6. AM Notes:

    • Review the notes and communication records from the assigned Account Manager (AM).
    • Pay attention to actions taken or discussions held to address the client's needs or concerns.
  7. RM Notes:

    • Examine notes and interactions recorded by the Regional Manager (RM).
    • Look for any strategic plans or initiatives related to the client's account.
    • Note the date of the RM's last visit to the client.
  8. GMB (Google My Business) Page:

    • Check the status of the client's GMB page.
    • Note the date of the last review and any mentions of other companies on the page.
  9. Website:

    • Verify if the client's website is working.
    • Determine if it's currently open or closed for business.
  10. Third-Party Integration:

    • Check for any third-party integrations the client has in place.
    • Identify the specific systems or services that are integrated with the client's account

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