DATMAN related Issue

DATMAN related Issue

Addressing DATMAN-related issues, such as account verification or document upload problems, requires a structured approach to ensure a smooth resolution. Here's how to handle these issues effectively:

  1. Identify the Issue:

    • When a client faces DATMAN-related issues, first identify the specific problem. Determine whether it's related to account verification, document upload, or expired documents.
  2. Contact DATMAN:

    • Directly reach out to DATMAN to confirm and clarify the issue before offering a resolution to the client. DATMAN's operating hours are from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday.
    • Contact DATMAN through one of the following methods:
  3. Explain Verification Process:

    • Once the issue is confirmed with DATMAN, explain the verification process to the client. Ensure the client understands the steps involved.
  4. Account Creation:

    • Instruct the client to create an account on the DATMAN website at https://portal.datmancrm.com. Alternatively, you can send the client an SMS with the registration link for convenience.
  5. Use MTA (My Takeaway App):

    • If preferred, guide the client to use MTA through the dashboard. Navigate to "Features" > "Online Banking."
  6. Document Upload Guidelines:

    • After the client gains access to their account, provide clear guidelines on the required documents based on their business type.
    • For sole traders, documents typically include a valid ID (ID card, driver's license, passport), personal bank statement, and a utility bill that shows their name and address (e.g., electricity, gas bill).
    • For limited companies, required documents may include a valid ID, business bank account details, and other relevant business documents.
  7. Follow-Up:

    • Ensure the client uploads the necessary documents correctly and guide them through any additional steps as needed.
    • Regularly follow up with the client to monitor the progress of their account verification and document submission.
  8. Confirm Resolution:

    • Once the client successfully resolves the DATMAN issue, confirm with them that their account is now verified and compliant.

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