Business closed Permanently

Business closed Permanently

Confirm Store Closure:

  • Start by ensuring that the store is genuinely closed and not just a bluff by the client.

1. Check Google My Business (GMB) Page:

  • Visit the client's GMB page and examine how long ago the last review was created.
  • If the last review was created a significant time ago (e.g., two months), it likely indicates a closed store.
  • Check for any mentions of other food delivery companies like Uber Eats or Just Eat on the GMB page.
  • Analyze the client's website for orders and reviews, noting the date of the last review.

2. Check Client's Native Website:

  • Verify the status of the client's native website. Ensure that it's marked as "closed."
  • Optionally, attempt to place a test order on the website to confirm whether orders are still being processed.

If Store is Closing with a New Owner Existence:

  • In the case of a new owner, ask the client for their contact information or approach the new owner through the old owner's assistance.
  • This situation should be categorized as "Change Of Ownership," which is a successful retention (discussed later).

If Store is Closing without a New Owner:

  • Navigate to "MY LINKS" and select the client's account.
  • Choose "failure" and update the status to "Business Closed Permanently."
  • The account status will automatically change to "Graveyard."
  • Verify that the Mandate is closed (no additional task needed).
  • If there's a PDQ (Payment Data Quality) associated with the client, it must be canceled. Create a task for the PDQ team (choose support, PDQ, Retention) and complete the "Retention Failed PDQ Active" sheet.
  • Ensure that the client's website is no longer operational.
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